NEW YEAR RESOLUTION… Like every other year, it is time to set some New Year’s resolutions for a better year ahead. Although rubbing off the COVID-19 pandemic blues and creating your travel bucket list has become the new way to go, other commitments toward a healthier lifestyle, community service and much more are also taking precedence. Here are some easy New Year’s resolutions that are simple to keep and commit to for the upcoming year

Learn a new skill or find a new hobby: -

Many of us start the new year by bringing in a big change into our lives through New Year’s resolutions, and what can be better than learning a new skill? From baking to playing an instrument and learning crochet, the list can have a variety of skill sets. Invest your free time in learning something new and see yourself doing some amazing things which you probably never thought you could. Set realistic targets and reward yourself when you achieve them. This will not only help you remain focused but you will also witness all-round personal growth.

Go to bed early: -

Getting a peaceful sleep can make a world of difference to your lifestyle. The right amount of sleep and a healthy sleeping pattern also reduce the risks of several physical and mental diseases. However, if you are unable to fall asleep, fret not. A few tricks can help you fall asleep faster. Research published in the Sleep Medicine Reviews shows taking a relaxing hot bath about an hour or two before going to bed helps people fall asleep about 10 minutes earlier and improves sleep quality. Turn off all electronic devices a couple of hours before bedtime. Instead, read a book and enjoy a relaxing beverage before hitting the sack. This will improve your sleep quality. However, if you still have trouble sleeping, consult a physician or a sleep specialist.

Read more books: -

New Year’s resolutions are aimed at making the upcoming year better than the previous one on many fronts. No matter in which areas your interests lie, reading books can be an enriching experience. This easy-to-keep New Year’s resolution will help you reduce screen time and immersing yourself in a completely different world is a great way to keep the mind occupied. Pick up any book of your liking, to begin with, and dedicate a fixed time to reading. If you’re not sure which books to choose from, you can join book clubs and enjoy the company of bibliophiles. Additionally, sharing thoughts and ideas and recommending books for each other builds strong social bonds and will help you stay engrossed. If you prefer a quiet ambience while reading, then you can get a membership to a library that has a good collection of all kinds of books.

Eating healthy: -

Eating right is perhaps the first step towards a healthy lifestyle. However, we have made New Year’s resolutions of adopting healthy eating habits numerous times only to give up sooner. But there is a way to keep going with the resolution. You can do so by making minor changes to your diet. Adding leafy vegetables to your meals will double fibre intake, improve digestion, lose weight and keep many ailments at bay. Cutting down on junk, consuming plant-based foods and seasonal fruits will be helpful too. A citrus-rich diet also has its benefits. Seasonal melons and berries improve immunity, metabolism, and Vitamin C in them give a healthy glow to your skin.

Volunteer regularly: -

This new year, make it a point to join a noble cause and volunteer regularly. Giving back to society and signing up for a cause that will benefit the underprivileged will have a positive effect on your mental wellbeing. Besides reducing stress, volunteering services also help in improving your leadership qualities and make you part of a community. People do random acts of kindness and service to the community that drive them out of their comfort zone to do something different. This New Year’s resolution will be fun and is easy to commit to once you start enjoying the cause or the service. Moreover, it gives a fulfilling feeling once the job is done.     For More Details kindly: - contact@ibbff.com